30 Lessons Drawn from the Miracles of Jesus – #10

Reading Time: 2 minutes

No twisted condition, however complex, is impossible for God to fix. (Matthew 12:22-23)

a twisted tree
Photo by Juvian Duff on Unsplash

Today’s lesson is going to be short and straightforward. Most of Jesus’ recorded miracles applied to cases that were impossible for men to fix. But in today’s text, we see a man who was not only tormented by demons (probably insanity) but was also blind and couldn’t speak. All on one man. 😥 It was indeed a complex situation. And what can we draw from this miracle? We find from this that, no matter how battered or shattered someone’s life might be, God can still fix them up. Furthermore, God is still in the business of fixing people up. He asked Abraham, “Is anything too hard for the LORD?” – Genesis 18:14. Then, He also asked Jeremiah, saying, “I am the LORD, the God of all mankind. Is anything too hard for Me?” – Jeremiah 32:27.

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30 Lessons Drawn from the Miracles of Jesus – #9

Reading Time: 3 minutes

When it is your time for a miracle, even the devil cannot stop it from happening. (Matthew 12:9-13)

Photo by Traf on Unsplash

Software Crash

Let me begin by telling you a quick story. After I typed this 9th lesson on my computer, the software I was using crashed before I could save it. But, I had to remind myself that I write all these by the inspiration of the Holy Spirit, and not from my own wisdom. I also realized that when it was my time and turn to be used by God, not even a computer application could stop me. Haha! 😂 So, I just got my own fair share of challenges against my resolve to be a blessing to others. 💪 Position yourself to receive your miracle after reading this post. 😉

Going into the miracle…

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