Reading Time: 2 minutes

Previously, we saw that the way to find wisdom is to go through the land of the dead. No one would go through that land except they knew the importance and worth of what lies on the other side and then decide against all odds to get it.

When you desperately need something, you can do anything to get it, and your actions will tell everyone how important it is to you.

It was based on this theory that death and destruction (the pathways to wisdom) were asked, ” How many customers do you receive annually? What’s the exchange rate for wisdom?”

I like to imagine that they laughed and said, “We have heard thereof of her fame with our ears” (emphasis mine). End of story!

Death and destruction agreed that by way of words, they indeed have heard of wisdom. But rarely does anyone cross the path to actually look for her.

Sad, right? Continue reading “SEEKING WISDOM 2”