Reading Time: 3 minutes
By Larry Lamsa.Poshuouinga – Sherds. Uploaded by PDTillman. CC BY 2.0

Once, I used to have a poor self-esteem that made me quite withdrawn. I was my best friend, my gossip mate, my everything. Outside, I was sizzling, but inside, I was dwindling. If you’ve been there, you’d agree it’s not a place anyone would want to be. So I sought for a way out. Solution. Get busy. And men, did I get busy! But getting busy didn’t quench the distorted view I had of myself. Something else did. Discovering purpose. We’re not talking of Purpose today, but of the way people coat their potsherd.

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Reading Time: 2 minutes

Photo by Sergiu Nista on Unsplash

Seeds progenitor trees and plants, and this shows that every seed has the proclivity of birthing forth a tree. Nonetheless, it is not every seed that is in the process of bearing trees. A seed on the table has the potential but is not in the process of bearing a tree. A seed in the ground however, has both the potential, and has initiated the process of bearing a tree. It however takes a lot of guts…and faith to put a seed in the ground.

Continue reading “💥 BEARING PRECIOUS SEED 1”

30 Lessons Drawn from the Miracles of Jesus – #3

Reading Time: 2 minutes

#3. Our desire to serve Christ can bring quick relief from illness. (Matthew 8:14-15)

Our desire to serve Christ can bring quick relief from illness. This is not always the case, but sometimes, God, who sees in secret and judges the intents of the heart, can stretch forth His hand to heal us, when He sees our selfless desire to serve others (even while we’re in sickbed). Such was the case with Peter’s mother-in-law as recorded in Matthew 8:14-15. Immediately Jesus healed her, she got up and began to serve. This reveals the desire of her heart while she was bedridden with fever. But Jesus knew her heart and willingness to serve, and so she didn’t need to ask before He healed her.

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30 Lessons Drawn from the Miracles of Jesus – #2

Reading Time: 4 minutes

#2. God often meets us at the point of our faith, not at the point of our need. (Matthew 8:5-13; 9:2; Mark 5:25-34; Matthew 14:34-36; 15:21-28; 9:27-31; John 4:46-53; Mark 7:31-37)

The Roman Soldier and The Paralytic Man

Anytime a challenge faces you, you can choose to trust God completely, like the people in the passages above. In reality, this is not a very easy task, however, it is a very possible one. In Matt. 8:5-13, Jesus seemed to indicate that He was searching for such kind of totally dependent faith in the world. He revealed this through His amazement at the faith of the Roman Centurion, ‘I have not found such great faith, not even in Israel.’ The Roman soldier, being a gentile (a sinner), and not even a jew, had such a great faith that was not found elsewhere, even amongst the Jews who had been anticipating and praying for the arrival of the Messiah. The paralytic man was healed because of the faith of his friends (Luke 5:18-20). This teaches us that we can stand ‘in the gap’, in prayer before God, on behalf of our friends and loved ones, believing Him for their healing, deliverance, salvation or any other good thing. God can come through for them, because of our faith. Continue reading “30 Lessons Drawn from the Miracles of Jesus – #2”


Reading Time: 3 minutes

Our Honorable Minister of the Gospel through Self Defense – Minister Job from the East, once made this statement as recorded in Scripture: “I made a covenant with mine eyes, why then should I think upon a maid?” – Job 31:1

And I found it rather weird that he made the covenant with his eyes yet it was the mind (thoughts) that he worked on. Shouldn’t the right thing be to make the covenant with his eyes and guard his eyes against looking at a maid/young woman?

Continue reading “AXE THE ROOT!”


Reading Time: 2 minutes

Previously, we saw that the way to find wisdom is to go through the land of the dead. No one would go through that land except they knew the importance and worth of what lies on the other side and then decide against all odds to get it.

When you desperately need something, you can do anything to get it, and your actions will tell everyone how important it is to you.

It was based on this theory that death and destruction (the pathways to wisdom) were asked, ” How many customers do you receive annually? What’s the exchange rate for wisdom?”

I like to imagine that they laughed and said, “We have heard thereof of her fame with our ears” (emphasis mine). End of story!

Death and destruction agreed that by way of words, they indeed have heard of wisdom. But rarely does anyone cross the path to actually look for her.

Sad, right? Continue reading “SEEKING WISDOM 2”

Prayer Update from Earth Shakers Prayer Team

Reading Time: 3 minutes

🙏 The Power of Prayer – Mark 6:7

When you google the definition of power, it defines power as “the capacity or ability to direct or influence the behavior of others or the course of events.”

Jesus gave His disciples the power over unclean spirits. These included (and still include) both evil spirits that possess and the ones that oppress. Jesus gave this power to His disciples, including Judas Iscariot and many others beyond the Twelve – Luke 10:1-23. Evil (or unclean) spirits cannot possess the church as an individual Christian, or the church as a collective organism, but they can oppress either or both of them.

The oppression of evil spirits manifests when your flesh begins to have its way above the Spirit of God in you. This can also be termed manipulations of darkness. And, they include the 4 spiritual hierarchy of darkness as listed in Ephesians 6:12.

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Reading Time: 2 minutes

“No one knows where to find it, for it is not found among the living.” – Job 28:13

A question was once asked, “Where shall wisdom be found?” Apparently, there was a frantic search for wisdom, and no one seemed to know where exactly to find it.

You know, many times in multiple-choice quizzes, when you don’t know which option is right, you start by ticking off the obviously wrong options, right?😏 The people in search of wisdom here applied this same technique. They said, ‘We don’t know where we can find wisdom, but we do know where it cannot be found. And one of those places, according to scripture, where you cannot find wisdom is in the land of the living.”

Continue reading “SEEKING WISDOM 1”


Reading Time: 2 minutes


I am Okore Esther but nearly everyone dear to me calls me Zoë. Let’s not bother about how the name came about, although it is an interesting story. We’ll probably find time some other time to go into it. For now, we’re here, and I am here to WELCOME YOU TO THE ZOË QUIET CORNER!

As a child of God, one of the greatest refreshments of spirit we can ever get is a time out alone with the creator. Such ‘escapes’ from the bustles of the world gives us the rejuvenation we need to live the Christian life without compromise, actively represent Christ on earth as we simultaneously showcase God’s light in us to the dark and dying world.


30 Lessons Drawn from the Miracles of Jesus – #1

Reading Time: 4 minutes

#1. God is always willing to heal you (Matthew 8:2-3, 5-7; 15:29-31; 21:14; Luke 7:11-17; 13:10-13; John 5:2-9; Mark 3:1-6; Luke 14:1-6).

Healing, in this sense, includes deliverance from all ailments of body and soul. You see, Jesus is very easy-going and completely approachable, even now. He does not like to see you or anyone else suffer. These records of healings also show us how much God desires to heal us, and the manner in which we are to approach Him – in humility and reverent awe – a leper came and worshiped Him (Matthew 8:2). God is always willing to heal. Matthew Henry, in his concise commentary, has this to say on Matthew 8:2-3:“In these verses, we have an account of Christ’s cleansing a leper, who came and worshipped him, as one clothed with Divine power. This cleansing directs us, not only to apply to Christ, who has power over bodily diseases, for the cure of them, but it also teaches us in what manner to apply to him. When we cannot be sure of God’s will, we can be sure of his wisdom and mercy. No guilt is so great, but there is that in Christ’s blood which atones for it; no corruption so strong, but there is that in his grace which can subdue it.”To be made clean we must commend ourselves to his pity; we cannot demand it as a debt, but we must humbly request it as a favour. Those who by faith apply to Christ for mercy and grace may be sure that he is freely willing to give them the mercy and grace they thus seek. And those afflictions are blessed that bring us to know Christ and cause us to seek help and salvation from him. Let those who are cleansed from their spiritual leprosy, go to Christ’s ministers and open their case, that they may advise, comfort, and pray for them.” Continue reading “30 Lessons Drawn from the Miracles of Jesus – #1”