30 Lessons Drawn from the Miracles of Jesus – #13

Reading Time: 3 minutes
wrapped gift boxes
Photo by freestocks on Unsplash

God’s blessing/healing comes with a guarantee of perfection. (Matthew 14:34-36; John 5:5, 8-9; Mark 5:34; Luke 17:19; Mark 8:22-25)

In the above passages, we find Jesus healing several people with different conditions, among them, a woman with twelve years of constant bleeding, a blind man, the leper, a man who had been an invalid for thirty-eight years, and several other people who touched the hem of His garment and were healed. We also find a recurring theme: “perfectly whole”. Everyone that Jesus heals can be sure of one truth: it is a forever healing. In other words, God’s blessing is a lifetime warranty.

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30 Lessons Drawn from the Miracles of Jesus – #12

Reading Time: 3 minutes
bad storm
Photo by Sebastian Molina fotografía on Unsplash

Sometimes, God allows bad situations to come to us, in order to teach us some of the principles of life. (Matthew 14:23-33)

Here, we find Jesus describing Peter as having “little faith”. Jesus sends His disciples away in a boat to cross over to the other side of the country, yet He Himself stays behind to dismiss the multitudes, and afterwards goes up a mountain to pray. He knew the weather forecast, He knew that some strong wind was going to blow contrary to their direction and put them in harm’s way, He knew that their faith was still too small to trust Him without seeing Him physically present with them. He knew all this, yet He still sends them into the eye of the storm literally. 

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30 Lessons Drawn from the Miracles of Jesus – #11

Reading Time: 2 minutes
Physical meal: Photo by Dan Gold on Unsplash

God is interested in both your spiritual health as well as your physical well-being. (Matthew 14:13-21; 15:32-39)

Today, we look at the miracle of the loaves of bread and a few fish. It happened twice while Jesus was having a sort of conference with his followers. In one of those “conferences,” the people had been there all day, and in the other, they had been there for 3 days, receiving from Jesus some spiritual meal for their spiritual health. And in both instances, they had been very tired and hungry towards the end of His teaching. Also, both occasions saw, at least, 4,000 people in attendance.

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30 Lessons Drawn from the Miracles of Jesus – #10

Reading Time: 2 minutes

No twisted condition, however complex, is impossible for God to fix. (Matthew 12:22-23)

a twisted tree
Photo by Juvian Duff on Unsplash

Today’s lesson is going to be short and straightforward. Most of Jesus’ recorded miracles applied to cases that were impossible for men to fix. But in today’s text, we see a man who was not only tormented by demons (probably insanity) but was also blind and couldn’t speak. All on one man. 😥 It was indeed a complex situation. And what can we draw from this miracle? We find from this that, no matter how battered or shattered someone’s life might be, God can still fix them up. Furthermore, God is still in the business of fixing people up. He asked Abraham, “Is anything too hard for the LORD?” – Genesis 18:14. Then, He also asked Jeremiah, saying, “I am the LORD, the God of all mankind. Is anything too hard for Me?” – Jeremiah 32:27.

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This is Your Sanctification

Reading Time: 6 minutes
The pattern of change is from the inside-out

The message of sanctification was adored by patriarchs and fathers of faith. They understood that Christianity did not stop at coming into the fold of Christ. They understood that the nature of God and the nature of sin were miles apart, and that although there is an instantaneous swap at redemption, there is a need to consciously begin to live the new life. They recognized that although they sincerely handed the wheels of their lives to God, there were still traces of the old man lurking somewhere. This, they accepted as unacceptable and worked towards eradicating, but not by their strength.

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30 Lessons Drawn from the Miracles of Jesus – #9

Reading Time: 3 minutes

When it is your time for a miracle, even the devil cannot stop it from happening. (Matthew 12:9-13)

Photo by Traf on Unsplash

Software Crash

Let me begin by telling you a quick story. After I typed this 9th lesson on my computer, the software I was using crashed before I could save it. But, I had to remind myself that I write all these by the inspiration of the Holy Spirit, and not from my own wisdom. I also realized that when it was my time and turn to be used by God, not even a computer application could stop me. Haha! 😂 So, I just got my own fair share of challenges against my resolve to be a blessing to others. 💪 Position yourself to receive your miracle after reading this post. 😉

Going into the miracle…

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30 Lessons Drawn from the Miracles of Jesus – #8

Reading Time: 2 minutes

Every bad condition is an opportunity for God to reveal His power. (John 9:1-11; Matthew 15:31)

Photo by Ben White on Unsplash

One of the 30 lessons drawn from the miracles of Jesus is that God can use any condition in your life to reveal His power. The passages above tell the story of Jesus’ encounter with a man that was born blind. Everybody that knew the man believed he (in his previous life, as per the concept of reincarnation) or his parents must have done something terribly wrong to deserve being in such horrible situation. Jesus had to seize this opportunity to correct that mindset.

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Egypt or Eden?

Reading Time: 4 minutes

We are everyday faced with the conflict of decision making. To take tea or coffee. To make that trip or not to. To fix our rooms now or in an hour’s time. There are some who find decision making difficult. With so many varying options, it becomes increasingly important not only to make decisions, but to make the right ones. Usually, these options never seem complete. What this means is that, option A may have a part of what you need and option B would have a different thing which you also want. But unfortunately, that of option A is completely different from that of Option B. Maybe you need a phone that allows you to select any part of a song for a ringtone instead of compulsory starting from the beginning of the song. You find such a phone but sadly, you also need a phone that allows a split screen, that is, it allows for two applications to fit snugly into the screen at the same time. And that phone doesn’t support it. At that moment, decision making becomes more a battle of compromise than of choice.

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Why Are You Hiding Your Talent?

Reading Time: 4 minutes
stacks of coins
Photo: “Moneybox” by Дмитрий Куляев is licensed under CC BY-NC-ND 4.0

Many of us have read the parable of the talents in Matthew 25:14-30 several times. And most of us (if not all of us) have been able to make the connection between those talents in that parable and the gifts/graces which God has given each of us. However, today, I want to write about another connection which only a few might have drawn. Let me begin by summarizing the story.

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