Reading Time: 2 minutes

I was in Junior Secondary School when our Integrated Science teacher taught us Photosynthesis. Of course it didn’t stop at plant using water, sunlight and chlorophyll to produce food, there were many ‘revelations’. One of the mind-blowing ones was the fact that plants gather energy in the day but grow at night. So plants gather virtue in the day but use it at night. You might need a school fees refund if you didn’t know this earlier.
Continue reading “NIGHT PLAN”


Reading Time: 2 minutes

Destruction was on the rampage and things were going haywire. The women of the land had been commissioned to wail and interceded until the Spirit be poured upon from on high and the wilderness becomes a fruitful field. However, they were not to stop there. They were to “whet” that fruitful field with more tears until it became a forest. They had to intercede more until the progress advanced from being a fruitful field to becoming a forest. Continue reading “PRAY UNTIL SOMETHING HAPPENS?”


Reading Time: 2 minutes

Isaiah the Prophet speaking said, “My sword shall be bathed in Heaven: behold it shall come down upon Idumea…”(Isaiah 34:5). In other words, before his sword would be able fall upon the land, it had to first be bathed in Heaven.

I know a thing or two about swords… biblically. For starters, we know that the sword is a representative of the Word of God (Heb 4:12). We also know that the sword has been given a mandate to speak and not keep quiet; once again showing that the sword is the Word. (Jer 49:6-7). As Ambassadors of God, we cannot have a sheathed sword when the Lord our Leader has drawn his own sword out. Therefore, it is expected of us to speak as the Lord does. Continue reading “WASHED SWORDS”


Reading Time: 3 minutes
By Larry Lamsa.Poshuouinga – Sherds. Uploaded by PDTillman. CC BY 2.0

Once, I used to have a poor self-esteem that made me quite withdrawn. I was my best friend, my gossip mate, my everything. Outside, I was sizzling, but inside, I was dwindling. If you’ve been there, you’d agree it’s not a place anyone would want to be. So I sought for a way out. Solution. Get busy. And men, did I get busy! But getting busy didn’t quench the distorted view I had of myself. Something else did. Discovering purpose. We’re not talking of Purpose today, but of the way people coat their potsherd.

Continue reading “COATED POTSHERD”


Reading Time: 2 minutes

Photo by Sergiu Nista on Unsplash

Seeds progenitor trees and plants, and this shows that every seed has the proclivity of birthing forth a tree. Nonetheless, it is not every seed that is in the process of bearing trees. A seed on the table has the potential but is not in the process of bearing a tree. A seed in the ground however, has both the potential, and has initiated the process of bearing a tree. It however takes a lot of guts…and faith to put a seed in the ground.

Continue reading “💥 BEARING PRECIOUS SEED 1”


Reading Time: 3 minutes

Our Honorable Minister of the Gospel through Self Defense – Minister Job from the East, once made this statement as recorded in Scripture: “I made a covenant with mine eyes, why then should I think upon a maid?” – Job 31:1

And I found it rather weird that he made the covenant with his eyes yet it was the mind (thoughts) that he worked on. Shouldn’t the right thing be to make the covenant with his eyes and guard his eyes against looking at a maid/young woman?

Continue reading “AXE THE ROOT!”


Reading Time: 2 minutes

Previously, we saw that the way to find wisdom is to go through the land of the dead. No one would go through that land except they knew the importance and worth of what lies on the other side and then decide against all odds to get it.

When you desperately need something, you can do anything to get it, and your actions will tell everyone how important it is to you.

It was based on this theory that death and destruction (the pathways to wisdom) were asked, ” How many customers do you receive annually? What’s the exchange rate for wisdom?”

I like to imagine that they laughed and said, “We have heard thereof of her fame with our ears” (emphasis mine). End of story!

Death and destruction agreed that by way of words, they indeed have heard of wisdom. But rarely does anyone cross the path to actually look for her.

Sad, right? Continue reading “SEEKING WISDOM 2”


Reading Time: 2 minutes

“No one knows where to find it, for it is not found among the living.” – Job 28:13

A question was once asked, “Where shall wisdom be found?” Apparently, there was a frantic search for wisdom, and no one seemed to know where exactly to find it.

You know, many times in multiple-choice quizzes, when you don’t know which option is right, you start by ticking off the obviously wrong options, right?😏 The people in search of wisdom here applied this same technique. They said, ‘We don’t know where we can find wisdom, but we do know where it cannot be found. And one of those places, according to scripture, where you cannot find wisdom is in the land of the living.”

Continue reading “SEEKING WISDOM 1”


Reading Time: 2 minutes


I am Okore Esther but nearly everyone dear to me calls me Zoë. Let’s not bother about how the name came about, although it is an interesting story. We’ll probably find time some other time to go into it. For now, we’re here, and I am here to WELCOME YOU TO THE ZOË QUIET CORNER!

As a child of God, one of the greatest refreshments of spirit we can ever get is a time out alone with the creator. Such ‘escapes’ from the bustles of the world gives us the rejuvenation we need to live the Christian life without compromise, actively represent Christ on earth as we simultaneously showcase God’s light in us to the dark and dying world.