Reading Time: 2 minutes

I remember reading “Rich Dad Poor Dad” after ignoring the book on bookshelves for many years. I was both enthralled and amazed at it. Enthralled by the rich content of it and amazed that I knew way a good number of people who have read the book through, but still didn’t look like their life was up to much. I confess I didn’t finish it, but the less than half I read were filled with easy-to-implement, quick-to-execute principles that made me always stop in-between lines to wonder, “If it is this easy, how come many are still broke?”

I remember airing that concern, for it was a genuine, non-cynical one, to someone. The person responded that the result was that poor because people do not implement it. He took it a notch higher by showing me how people read books on Christian living and still don’t have any Christ in their livings. It made sense.

When it comes to being blessed (which I have realised includes and transcends having wealth), it is tied to one basic key. I find it quite contradictory, and I know you will also, to see how Moses could tell Israel that there will be no poor among them as God’s people; and in the same breath, say that the poor will never cease out of the land. And just to be certain that ‘God’s people’ and ‘the poor’ could be one and the same, he said, “…open your hands to your brother…”.

This is only possible because blessedness came with a condition, a requirement more like. The requirement of obedience. Obedience to God and to his age-long, earth-founding, nature-structured principles. No promise of blessing in scripture is without the condition of obedience because it is a covenant, one that even the father of faith, Abraham, had to submit to. A friend once asked why believers seem the ‘broke-est’, and I explained that it is simply because they’ve left the whole chunk of responsibility to God. There’s something we are required to do, and that is to submit to the principles governing blessedness…and wealth, by extension.

All of those principles are mentioned in the Bible and we need to make deliberate efforts to search them out, and submit to them. Some of them have already been spelt out in books like the aforementioned. The diligence to obey is the ticket out of the conglomerate of those who will remain ‘the poor’.

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