Destruction was on the rampage and things were going haywire. The women of the land had been commissioned to wail and interceded until the Spirit be poured upon from on high and the wilderness becomes a fruitful field. However, they were not to stop there. They were to “whet” that fruitful field with more tears until it became a forest. They had to intercede more until the progress advanced from being a fruitful field to becoming a forest.
Pray until the optimal happens. Don’t just pray until ‘something’ happens. The seed has a capacity of 30%, 60% and 100% (Matt 13:8). They are all increases, but why settle for good when best is attainable? Remember the blind man Jesus healed in Mark 8:22-25? Imagine if Jesus stopped the healing process when the man began seeing men as trees. That was some progress– from utter blindness to near-sight. That would have been ‘something’! But that was not optimal. Many of us are content with the little results we have attained in the place of prayer and other endeavours. The parable of the unrighteous judge showed us that the woman continued to pester him until he avenged her, not until he listened to her. You can’t just afford to stop at the produce of little and unsatisfactory results.
Within you is more. And even around you is the propensity to do much more. Tarry. Don’t permit satisfaction until you’ve slammed mediocrity. Press on with paying that price of greatness. And don’t stop, until the wilderness becomes a fruitful field, and the fruitful field, a forest.
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