30 Lessons Drawn from the Miracles of Jesus – #3

Reading Time: 2 minutes

#3. Our desire to serve Christ can bring quick relief from illness. (Matthew 8:14-15)

Our desire to serve Christ can bring quick relief from illness. This is not always the case, but sometimes, God, who sees in secret and judges the intents of the heart, can stretch forth His hand to heal us, when He sees our selfless desire to serve others (even while we’re in sickbed). Such was the case with Peter’s mother-in-law as recorded in Matthew 8:14-15. Immediately Jesus healed her, she got up and began to serve. This reveals the desire of her heart while she was bedridden with fever. But Jesus knew her heart and willingness to serve, and so she didn’t need to ask before He healed her.

King Hezekiah

When King Hezekiah was deathly ill, he prayed to God reminding Him of his good works and service both to God and to His people. God turned around and, not only healed him but, added 15 more years to his life (see 2 Kings 20:1-7). Now, let’s take a look at the details of his prayer: “Remember now, O Lord, I pray, how I have walked before You in truth and with a loyal heart, and have done what was good in Your sight.” He said he had walked, in truth, with a loyal heart, and had done what was good in God’s sight. In other words, he had served God and man faithfully. And he sure sounded to me like he had plans to do some more service the rest of his life.


When we give ourselves over to the be service of Christ, which we can also do by being kind and affectionate to others, we open up a doorway for supernatural visitations. Jesus probably visited Peter’s house just because He could see Peter’s mother-in-law’s heart from a distance. Her kind heart attracted the supernatural visitation she was in dire need of. God probably added more years to King Hezekiah because He saw his desire to serve more. Wherever you find yourself, make a conscious effort to be of service to others. Your own miracle will find you there, you’ll see.
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I was around 5 when, I am strongly convinced, I first heard the distinct voice of God. But, not until I was 11 (2002) did I have a personal encounter with Him. I was in my room that night, about to pray before bed, when I saw a revelation of how filthy my heart was. I didn't argue with God that I was too young to have such amount of filth ('cause I believed I was a 'good boy,' by human standards, at least). I simply cried uncontrollably in brokenness of heart - "The sacrifice you desire is a broken spirit. You will not reject a broken and repentant heart, O God" (Psalm 51:17) - and He didn't.

Still crying uncontrollably, I left my room and went to the living room, where my parents were watching the nightly news on TV. After I managed to tell them about the revelation I saw, my sweet mum took me to her room and led me to Christ. I got saved that night. And 6 years later, I discovered my purpose and assignment on earth, which is raising up men and women to be godly, and teaching them the simplicity of Christianity. More than a decade later, I am still fulfilling that purpose to His glory. Hallelujah!

Author: Somto Ufondu

I was around 5 when, I am strongly convinced, I first heard the distinct voice of God. But, not until I was 11 (2002) did I have a personal encounter with Him. I was in my room that night, about to pray before bed, when I saw a revelation of how filthy my heart was. I didn't argue with God that I was too young to have such amount of filth ('cause I believed I was a 'good boy,' by human standards, at least). I simply cried uncontrollably in brokenness of heart - "The sacrifice you desire is a broken spirit. You will not reject a broken and repentant heart, O God" (Psalm 51:17) - and He didn't. Still crying uncontrollably, I left my room and went to the living room, where my parents were watching the nightly news on TV. After I managed to tell them about the revelation I saw, my sweet mum took me to her room and led me to Christ. I got saved that night. And 6 years later, I discovered my purpose and assignment on earth, which is raising up men and women to be godly, and teaching them the simplicity of Christianity. More than a decade later, I am still fulfilling that purpose to His glory. Hallelujah!

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