30 Lessons Drawn from the Miracles of Jesus – Intro

Reading Time: 2 minutes



There are several lessons contained in the miracles of Jesus which are recorded in the Holy Bible. From the Bible, it is undeniable that Christianity is a religion of power. Apologies to those who may argue that Christianity is not a religion but a lifestyle. I totally get your point and couldn’t agree more. Whether you feel that Christianity is a religion, or you believe that Christianity is more of a lifestyle than a religion, yet, you would agree with me concerning the apostles, that “[their] message and [their] preaching were not with wise and persuasive words, but with a demonstration of the Spirit’s power, so that your faith might not rest on human wisdom, but on God’s power.” 1 Corinthians 2:4-5.

What then is a miracle?

A miracle, in the biblical context, is a desirable supernatural occurrence, unique and inexplicable, that meets an end or achieves a purpose designed by God. Someone once said, “If you can explain it, then it is not a miracle.”

What to expect from this study

In this study, we explore the various miracles of Jesus that were recorded by His disciples. Just as the Apostle John records, “Jesus did many other things as well. If every one of them was written down, I suppose that even the whole world would not have room for the books that would be written. But these are written that you may believe that Jesus is the Messiah, the Son of God, and that by believing you may have life in his name.” – John 21:25; 20:31.

The purpose of this exploration (mentioned above) is to find out the reason Jesus did the miracles He did. Because, just as Myles Munroe wrote, “When [the] purpose [of a thing] is not known, abuse [of the same] is inevitable” (Myles Munroe, Understanding The Purpose And Power Of Woman). When we know the purpose of miracles, we can better appreciate and attract them into our lives and those of our loved ones.

Go to the miracle lessons page for the miracle lessons.

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I was around 5 when, I am strongly convinced, I first heard the distinct voice of God. But, not until I was 11 (2002) did I have a personal encounter with Him. I was in my room that night, about to pray before bed, when I saw a revelation of how filthy my heart was. I didn't argue with God that I was too young to have such amount of filth ('cause I believed I was a 'good boy,' by human standards, at least). I simply cried uncontrollably in brokenness of heart - "The sacrifice you desire is a broken spirit. You will not reject a broken and repentant heart, O God" (Psalm 51:17) - and He didn't.

Still crying uncontrollably, I left my room and went to the living room, where my parents were watching the nightly news on TV. After I managed to tell them about the revelation I saw, my sweet mum took me to her room and led me to Christ. I got saved that night. And 6 years later, I discovered my purpose and assignment on earth, which is raising up men and women to be godly, and teaching them the simplicity of Christianity. More than a decade later, I am still fulfilling that purpose to His glory. Hallelujah!

Author: Somto Ufondu

I was around 5 when, I am strongly convinced, I first heard the distinct voice of God. But, not until I was 11 (2002) did I have a personal encounter with Him. I was in my room that night, about to pray before bed, when I saw a revelation of how filthy my heart was. I didn't argue with God that I was too young to have such amount of filth ('cause I believed I was a 'good boy,' by human standards, at least). I simply cried uncontrollably in brokenness of heart - "The sacrifice you desire is a broken spirit. You will not reject a broken and repentant heart, O God" (Psalm 51:17) - and He didn't. Still crying uncontrollably, I left my room and went to the living room, where my parents were watching the nightly news on TV. After I managed to tell them about the revelation I saw, my sweet mum took me to her room and led me to Christ. I got saved that night. And 6 years later, I discovered my purpose and assignment on earth, which is raising up men and women to be godly, and teaching them the simplicity of Christianity. More than a decade later, I am still fulfilling that purpose to His glory. Hallelujah!

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